Neolithic - Acton Trussell's First Farmers
About six thousand years BC a revolution overtook what we now call the British Isles. it was perhaps the most significant revolution in world history, evidence of the changes it brought about were in excavations at Acton Trussell and in neighbouring parishes ---- That Revolution Was Farming and it Changed Everything
From the very earliest times our ancestors were hunter gatherers they lived a nomadic life tracking game, fishing, collecting fruits and berries, roots and harvesting shellfish however this all changed about ten thousand years ago when people first began raising food animals and cultivating crops.
This new way of life began in the middle east in Egypt, and Mesopotamia it slowly it spread to Europe eventually arriving in the British Isles about six thousand BC (dates in pre-history are estimates) .
It is difficult to overestimate the extent to which farming changed human life for good (or ill) creating as it did the first societies living together in extended groups, marking out and occupying territories, building permanent shelters, creating new technologies including weaving and pottery.
this was the start of our modern world and traces were found in excavations at Acton Trussell and adjoining parishes.

Pottery sherds excavated at Acton Trussell - evidence of the earliest farmers.